Happyyyy….ohh shit that’s tomorrow isn’t it..

Yay time to start a new year, which is always exciting. Although with all the craziness of Christmas and traveling, and cooking its easy to forget New Year’s Eve is right around the corner. I’ve seen tons of posts tonight from people frantically looking for plans, so I decided to add a list of last minute ideas for the new year that are quick, and generally low budget.

1. fondu party orrrrrr, fundo! I know lame joke but 100% true. How can you frown with large quantities of cheese and chocolate as part of the main dish? Plus it’s a great conversation starter, and makes the meal last longer leaving less time you have to figure out entertainment for

2. go bowling no reservations? No problem! It’s generally not too busy and most alleys are open till 1 am for the holiday. They generally offer ‘bottomless bowling’ deals as well making it really affordable, and you don’t have to dress up too much because let’s face it not much goes with those shoes.

3. celebrate with memories string some cloths lines through the house and buy a few bags of pins and have everyone bring photos from that year. It’s great for conversations and extremely cheap.

4. root beer floats another food themed party. Everyone makes their own, making it fun, and gives everyone something to do, but its still easy to talk while making it. Plus it’s the best kind of toast at midnight.

5. have a board game night they take up a good amount of time and are soooo much fun.

6. when all else fails look to the newspaper it’s full of ideas and local events that are open for all you last minute planners. Or google it. There are tons of great ideas out there.

Have a happy and safe holiday, and as always a day as cheerful as freshly baked cupcakes!